10 Things to Do after Installing WordPress

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10 Things to Do after Installing WordPress

So you’ve set up your new website or blog on WordPress. What’s next? Tackle these 10 things to do after installing WordPress as soon as you can:

Choose your theme – The first thing you should do is choose your theme. Think about how you want your site to look and search for themes that have the specific functions you want, like a landing page layout and a customizable home page. If you can’t find the “perfect” one, find one that is close enough. Don’t delay the launch of your website because you can’t find your ideal theme! And remember that you can always change your theme later as your business’ needs evolve.

Install important plugins – These plugins could vary depending on your industry or niche. But you definitely want to have an anti-spam plugin. A contact form plugin is also a good choice. You can always install other plugins after you get started and decide what you really need.

Create the basic pages – Basic pages include an “About” page, so people can learn who you are. It’s also important to have a “Contact” page, so people can get in touch with you. Don’t forget a “Blog” page, so people can read all of your blog posts, even if they are not featured on your home page. Also create any sales pages that you need. Consider adding a “Testimonials” page where you can feature feedback from your clients.

Create a list and messages – If you haven’t done so yet, sign up for an email service like Aweber or MailChimp. Then create a newsletter list and some messages to welcome your new subscribers.

Upload a freebie – You should create a freebie (an ebook, some templates or checklists, or a video) as a thank you gift to give to people when they sign up for your email list. Upload your freebie to your website or a cloud service. Then add the download link in your first autoresponder message to your email list. That way when people sign up for your list, they also will receive a link to your freebie.

Create a newsletter opt-in box – You need a place where people can sign up for your email list. Create a form with your email service then add that code into a text widget on the sidebar of your website. Now your site visitors can sign up for your email list and get your freebie!

Collect testimonials – If you don’t have any client testimonials, start collecting them! Ask current or past clients for a testimonial that you can use on your website. Be sure to include a photo of the client as well as his or her name, business name, and role with that business.

Set up social media profiles – Choose one to three social media networks where your clients spend their time. Then create a profile for your business on each site. And don’t forget to add the links to your profiles on your website!

Start promoting your site – Share the links to your main site, as well as any specific blog posts or pages with people in your circle of influence. This may be hard for you if you have a hard time talking about yourself. But remember that no one will visit your site if you don’t promote it!

Create a content plan or editorial calendar – Now that you created a website, you need a plan to keep the site filled with current and relevant content. This plan doesn’t have to be complex or time consuming. It can be a simple list of blog posts you plan to write over the next few months. Of course, you can make it as fancy and complex as you wish. The point is to have an outline of which types of content you want to publish and when, so you know what you need to be working on.

When you break down your to-do list into these 10 items, starting a website or blog isn’t as daunting as you first thought!

10 Things to Do after Installing WordPress

Does this seem overwhelming to you? It doesn’t have to be! I can help you start building your website today!

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