5 Tips for Creating Social Media Content

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5 Tips for Creating Social Media Content

Social media sharing is all about content. You may be sharing content you wrote yourself or an article you found online or a heartwarming image. But you still must create content for your social media networks to work well for you. When creating social media content, ask yourself these five questions:

What is the purpose of the content? – Determine what you hope to accomplish with the content. Do you want to inspire your audience to take some action? Do you want to trigger an emotional response? Are you attempting to build relationships with your followers? Perhaps you want to educate them about something? Knowing why you created the content will help you know how to promote the content better on social media.

Have I included an appropriate call-to-action? – No matter how good your social media content is, if you don’t include an appropriate call-to-action and make it easy for your audience to engage, you have wasted your time. Can your audience make comments easily? Can they share your information easily? The easier you make it for your audience to engage, the better.

Have I chosen appropriate images? – When it comes to social media, images are very important. Are your images representative of the content? Are your images the right size? How do they look on the specific social media you’re using? Some sites cut off images in a funny way, and the image no longer looks appropriate for sharing. Always ensure that you’ve optimized your images well enough that they look good across all social media networks.

Is the content unique? – Don’t share the exact same words and phrases in every social media network. Even if you’re sharing the same blog post on each of your social media accounts, it’s important to do so in a unique way for each account so you don’t look like a robot. For instance, on Facebook you should include an image, a short blurb, and a link to your content. But you also should ask a question to increase engagement.

Is the timing right? – Each social media network has different times when people are more likely to look at your post. In addition, your own audience may have its own optimal time for looking at certain social media networks. Read the stats provided in each of your social media accounts to learn when the best time is. Then test it out yourself. Time it right, and you’ll maximize engagement.

The important thing is to create some best practices surrounding creating content for social media. It will be different for each network, but developing a standard for your business will make you more successful with your social media content.

Social media sharing is all about content. You may be sharing content you wrote yourself or an article you found online or a heartwarming image. But you still must create content for your social media networks to work well for you. When creating social media content, ask yourself these five questions.

Wanting to boost your social media content? Ask me for help!

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