12 Types of Facebook Posts that Engage People

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12 Types of Facebook Posts that Engage People

Facebook is a social media giant. Without a doubt it’s the most popular social networking site in the world, and billions of people hooked on the platform. How are you doing at engaging with these people through your Facebook posts?

Social networking is all about interacting. If you can’t get people to interact with your posts, you’re probably not doing it right. Let’s take a look at 12 types of Facebook posts that will get people involved:

1. Like or comment – Facebook is a very visual network, so one way to get people engaged is to post a picture. The next step is to put two pictures together side by side and ask people to “like” if they prefer the option in one picture or “comment” if they prefer the other option.

2. Name your favorite – Open-ended questions are one of the easiest ways to drive engagement on Facebook. Asking people to share their favorite movie, website, or something related to your company’s industry could generate a lot of engagement, depending on how many people are willing to answer.

3. Caption contest – Finding a picture that looks like it’s trying to say something funny is a great time to host a caption contest. Simply post the picture and ask people to add a caption in the comments. If the picture is good enough, you should get comments in no time.

4. Looking for advice – Reaching out for help is a great way to get people to engage with your Facebook page. Asking people about the best way to complete a task or asking for advice for any other situation is a great way to drive traffic.

5. Like if you do this – This post is almost too easy. Facebook users love pictures, so post a picture of an activity or something people commonly enjoy and ask them to “like” the post if they enjoy it as well.

6. Nostalgia posts – Every generation is different, and making people feel nostalgic is a great way to engage users. Questions such as “Remember when you had to rewind a video tape to watch a movie?” could be a big hit with the right crowd.

7. What would you do? – People like to think about what they would do in different situations. Asking people what they would do in certain situations is a great way to get some interaction. Questions such as “What would you do if you had $40 million?” could end up getting you a lot of responses.

8. Fill in the blank – These posts are an easy way to get people engaged. Asking someone to fill in the blank in sentences such as “My favorite food is (blank)” is a great way to get people to interact.

9. Post a picture – It can’t be emphasized enough that Facebook users love photos. A great way to get people involved is to have them post a photo of their own. Post a status asking people to post a picture of their favorite vacation spot in the comments and watch how many responses you get.

10. Recommendations – Looking for a new website to visit? How about a new book to read or a movie to watch? A great way to get people involved is to ask for recommendations. You might actually end up finding something you like!

11. Name something without the letter (blank) in it – Have you seen these types of posts? Someone posts a status or picture asking you to name a fruit or a vegetable without the letter “a” in its name. This is a fun way to keep people involved and almost always gets the type of reaction you’re looking for.

12. Yes or no? – It might seem simple, but yes or no questions are an easy way to get people talking. Even the simplest question, such as asking people if they like pizza and telling them to respond with yes or no, could work like a charm.

You know that Facebook is highly interactive. You need to engage people to keep them interested in your page. Using some of these ideas should get plenty of people talking. What are you waiting for? Give a few of these a try!

You know that you need to engage people on Facebook to keep them interested. When you use these 12 Facebook posts that engage, you'll get people talking.

Are you ready to step up your Facebook engagement? Let me help you create Facebook posts to get your audience talking to you!

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