Making the Most of the Time You Have

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Making the Most of the Time You Have

Do you find that you don’t have time to complete every task on your to-do list? You can manage your time better by finding lost time – time you didn’t even realize you were wasting. It’s almost like keeping change in a piggy bank and one day realizing it’s totaled more than $100! Here are some keys to making the most of the time you have:

Don’t waste small amounts of time – Many people tend to think of time management as making large blocks of time available. But you can do a lot with just 10 or 15 minutes. For example, don’t waste the time you have while waiting in a doctor’s office or even while exercising. If you like to use a treadmill, get one with a small workstation so you can catch up on email messages or simply read the morning newspaper.

Realize that not everything that seems important is – Look at your life and stop doing the unimportant things that drain your time. If something isn’t a matter of you being happy and succeeding personally or professionally, then it’s not important.

Run ahead not behind – When you get behind schedule, it can adds stress to your life. Try to get things done ahead of time. Don’t wait too long to start a project, and strive to meet deadlines as early as possible. This will give you a buffer in time management.

Delegate – Most people like to do things themselves because they know the job is done correctly. But if you do the things that others can do, it’s draining your time. Some of these tasks that drain your time include scheduling meetings, updating your social media networks, mowing your lawn, and cleaning your house. Consider how much it costs you in time to complete these tasks. Are you willing to pay someone to do these tasks if you gain some time in the process?

Deal with email messages the right way – Manage your email wisely by setting aside a specific time to deal with them. Set a time limit for how long you’ll spend responding to the messages. If certain messages are not important, don’t save them to look at them later because they’ll only pile up in your inbox. Simply delete them. If your life allows you, hire an assistant to deal with your email.

When you implement these five simple suggestions, you’ll discover the lost time in your life, leaving you plenty of time to master your to-do list.

Do you find that you don’t have time to complete every task on your to-do list? You can manage your time better by finding lost time – time you didn’t even realize you were wasting. It’s almost like keeping change in a piggy bank and one day realizing it’s totaled more than $100! Here are some keys to making the most of the time you have.

If you don’t have enough time to complete the most important tasks related to running your business, let me take some of the time-consuming tasks off your to-do list.

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