5 Steps to Building Your Confidence

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5 Steps to Building Your Confidence

If self-confidence does not come naturally to you, building it up will take a deliberate, conscious effort. While no step-by-step program is perfect, following these five steps may help you build your confidence.

Create goals – Create specific goals and write them down. Make a list of your goals (both long term and short term) and write the specific steps you’ll take to get there. Whether it’s relationships, business ventures, or self-improvement, writing down your goals and their necessary steps can make those goals much less formidable and much more doable. That alone helps you feel more confident in moving forward.

Stop comparing – While it’s good to have aspirations toward self-improvement, constantly comparing yourself to the best of the best in your realm can be discouraging. For example, if you’d like to have a podcast, you might be inspired by high-profile radio hosts. Being inspired by them is fine, but beating yourself up because you are not exactly like they are – complete with millions of listeners – will only discourage you.

Build a positive self-image – If you have a negative self-image and think you just can’t achieve anything, it’s likely that you won’t, thus underscoring this false impression about yourself. Stop listening to that negative inner voice and instead tell yourself that you can achieve your goals. Convince yourself that even if you fail, it’s not because you are a bad person or because you didn’t try.

Get to know yourself – This means spending some quiet time thinking or writing in a journal. Assess your strengths, weaknesses, and personality. What are your positive character traits? Which quirks and talents do you have? Pretend like you are being interviewed and that the interviewer is trying to get to know you. Which questions would they ask?

Turn off the media – For a while, it might be good to turn off the TV, put down the magazines, and log off of social media. The perfect-people images found in the media can be discouraging for those who are struggling with self-confidence.

If self-confidence does not come naturally to you, building it up will take a deliberate, conscious effort. While no step-by-step program is perfect, following these five steps may help you build your confidence.

Which one of these steps are you going to take to build your confidence? Tell me about it!

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