Content Marketing 101

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Content Marketing 101

One of the great things about content marketing is that it’s a true investment in your business that pays off over and over again, year after year. When you create content today, it will be working for you a year from now. Creating content isn’t only about marketing; it’s also about educating and engaging your audience. Follow these four steps to content marketing success:

Create a website for your content – It’s important that your content has a home. That home is your website. Any content you publish should drive traffic to your website. It doesn’t matter if you have a bricks and mortar business or a strictly online business. Driving traffic to your website ultimately drives traffic into your store to buy a product or to your website to purchase a service or product.

Create optimized content in multiple formats – The content you create should be engaging and should work to educate your audience about your products or services. Repurposing your content into different formats stretches its life. There are many forms your content can take. Blog posts, articles, short reports, eBooks, videos, podcasts, and more are effective content marketing strategies.

Build your email list – Are you using content to build your email list? Good content will attract your target audience to your website. Once there, your audience should be invited to sign up for your email list. After they are a part of your email list, you can market your other content to them, educating them, engaging with them, and encouraging them to purchase your products or services. All of this is easier to accomplish because they gave you permission to market to them.

Market content on social media – Social media is a great way to market your content and to get your audience to share it with others. You should continuously share your own content on social media, including your blog posts, articles, and more. Place buttons on your website content so your website visitors easily can share it on their social media networks. This gives you an opportunity to attract the friends of your audience so you can build a larger following.

After you accomplish these four steps, keep repeating them! And be sure to plan your content in advance. This will help you make sure that you create effective content on a regular basis – content that is educational, engaging, and gets the results that you desire.

One of the great things about content marketing is that it’s a true investment in your business that pays off over and over again, year after year. When you create content today, it will be working for you a year from now. Creating content isn’t only about marketing; it’s also about educating and engaging your audience. Follow these four steps to content marketing success.

Does your business need some fresh content? Ask me for help!

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