Do You Fall into the Comparison Trap?

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Do You Fall into the Comparison Trap?

If you are human, you’ve done it. You’ve compared yourself to other people. The good news is that people are also comparing themselves to you! Comparing yourself to others can help you grow and strive, but sometimes it’s also an excuse to give up. So how can you avoid the comparison trap?

Don’t have a fixed mindset – If we don’t have something to compare ourselves to, then how will we learn to achieve and grow? By comparing ourselves to others, we have a measure of where we can do better and achieve more. But for those with a fixed mindset, this does not happen. There is actually a reverse method of thinking, which tells us that since we’re not as good as the other person, we might as well quit. Do you ever find yourself viewing someone else’s success as only a way to make yourself look bad? If so, you are not alone. For some, the success of others equates to highlighting their own failures. What if you could retrain your brain to adopt a mindset of growth?

Have a growth mindset – With a growth mindset, you view someone else’s success as a way to strive harder, do more, and work harder. You view others’ success not as an excuse to stay status quo but as a reason to thrive. Once you understand that failure is actually a path to higher learning, you’ll view failure as a stepping stone to new successes. And you’ll begin to understand failure as a learning tool and not as a way to define your image.

So the next time you want to compare yourself to someone else, stop and ask yourself if that person’s success can highlight inspiration for you. Others’ success could be a means for you to learn, grow, and, most importantly, be inspired.

If you are human, you’ve done it. You’ve compared yourself to other people. The good news is that people are also comparing themselves to you! Comparing yourself to others can help you grow and strive, but sometimes it’s also an excuse to give up. So how can you avoid the comparison trap?

Tell me how you have used others’ successes to inspire yourself to greatness!

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