Gratitude Improves Your Attitude

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It’s the time of year when we give thanks, the time when we look around our lives and feel grateful for all that we have. But do you practice gratitude every day, not just at Thanksgiving? You should. It helps shift your attention to the positive, improve your perspective, and make you appreciate what is working well in your life. This, in turn, increases your energy and my happiness.

It’s easy to drift into focusing on the negative, on problems, and on what isn’t working in your life. But what you focus on expands. So focusing on the negative and on problems gets you more of that, not the enjoyment and fulfillment in life you long for.

So how do you incorporate more gratitude into your life? Here are five ways:

Look for what you want to see instead of what you don’t want to see – Too often we go about our days expecting awful things to happen, or we expect to be disappointed. We walk around saying, “I don’t like this and this and this” and look for things that need to change. Instead say, “I like this and this, and I really love that!”

Appreciate something about yourself – Be grateful that you have a beautiful smile or a heart of gold. Be grateful that you are a savvy business person or that you are inventive or intuitive. Be grateful that you are a wonderful parent. Be grateful that you are not perfect.

Be grateful for your world – If it’s hard to find something to be grateful about yourself, start by looking around your world and appreciating that. The snow, the leaves, the sun. Look for beauty in your life.

Keep track of the good things in a calendar or journal – Keep track of all of the good things that happen to you. This affirms that good things do come your way, and you can begin to trust in God as the source of your supply. Appreciate the synchronicities that occur in your life because they were given to you as a gift to affirm that you are indeed on the right path.

Open your mouth and let gratitude flow from your heart – When you verbalize your gratitude, you will find that amazing things will happen to you and those around you. Can you imagine what might happen?

Practice gratitude every day and see how it changes your life.

Do you practice gratitude every day, not just at Thanksgiving? You should. Here are five ways to incorporate more gratitude into your life.

What are you grateful for this year? Tell me about it!

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