Setting a Theme for the New Year: Grow into Your Best Self – Hire a Coach

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Grow into Your Best Self: Hire a Coach

This post is part four of a five-part series about “Setting a Theme for the New Year.”

Growing into your best self isn’t always easy. It usually requires hard work and discipline. That’s why having a coach by your side can be so helpful. A coach is someone who understands what you’re doing and pushes you to achieve your goals. But before you hire the first coach you meet, keep these four tips in mind:

Consider a specialty coach – A coach typically specializes in an area like spirituality, health, business, or relationships. The advantage of choosing a specialty coach is that she spends most of her time serving people just like you. This means she’ll already know the best tools and methods for helping you achieve your goals. However, it’s important that you don’t try to change your whole life by taking on 15 different specialty coaches. You’re likely to be overwhelmed. Instead, pick one area of your life that you want to change this upcoming year and focus on that.

Know what you want to tackle – What is that one goal that if you achieved it, your whole life would improve? Maybe it’s your finances or your health or your marriage. Whatever that area is, think about what you want to accomplish. If you want to change your finances, maybe your big goal is getting out of debt and creating an emergency fund. If it’s your health, maybe your big goal is to move from consuming highly-processed foods to eating organic foods that nourish your body. Remember, your coach can’t create a goal for you. She can help you refine your goal so it fits with your values and honors who you are. But you’re likely to get more out of your coaching sessions if you already know your destination.

Take your time – Don’t rush to hire a coach just because another year is starting. Choosing the wrong coach is like buying a pair of shoes that are too small. Yes, you can still get where you want to go but the journey will be painful and kind of miserable. You want to take your time and choose a coach that’s a great fit for you. A coaching relationship should stretch you a little, but it should be a fun experience that fills you with confidence!

Get a coach who asks hard questions – Make sure you find a coach who challenges you. A good coach doesn’t just give you the tools to succeed. She also mines deeper, looking for hidden mindset issues that are holding you hostage and keeping you from accomplishing your goals. You also want a coach who won’t let you off the hook or accept your excuses. You want someone who’s going to make you accountable and follow up with you on how your progress is going.

When it comes to choosing a coach, don’t settle. Keep searching until you find a coach who you really connect with and who challenges you to be the best version of yourself.

A coach is someone who understands what you’re doing and pushes you to achieve your goals. Before you hire a coach, keep these four tips in mind.

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