How to Use Facebook Live to Engage Your Audience

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How to Use Facebook Live to Engage Your Audience

Brands all over the world use Facebook Live as a means of providing their audience a platform to interact and engage in real time. A video can enhance your Facebook reach while taking less time than creating a written post. So if you’re still wondering how you can use Facebook Live to engage your audience, here is how to go about it:

Host a Question-and-Answer Session – In the past when you wanted to create a Q&A video, you had to start promoting it several weeks in advance to allow viewers enough time to send in the questions they wanted you to answer. However, Facebook Live has changed those dynamics. All you have to do is inform your audience when they need to view your live session. During the live stream, you can answer the questions posted in real time in comments section.

Provide a Behind-the-Scenes View – In order to let your customers know that they are valued in your business, it is important to give them a behind-the-scenes tour of your organization or brand. Your viewers want to know how you run your business. They also get to know you at a personal level, which is a great step toward building relationships.

Collaborate with Other Vloggers – If you want to grow your Facebook Live audience, consider collaborating with other vloggers in your industry. It will just take a short 15-minute video to sit down with another vlogger in your niche and then discuss issues, ideas, and perspectives that are unique to your industry. You can both film together or individually and then cross-promote both videos across your Facebook pages together.

These ideas just scratch the surface! There are many other ways you can use Facebook Live to interact with your audience. The most important thing is to remain active and do it regularly. Be creative and you will see your reach expand.

Brands all over the world use Facebook Live as a means of providing their audience a platform to interact and engage in real time. If you're still wondering how you can use Facebook Live to engage your audience, here is how to go about it.

How do you use Facebook Live for your business? Share your creative ideas with me!

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