Setting a Theme for the New Year: Start by Knowing What You Want

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This post is part two of a five-part series about “Setting a Theme for the New Year.”

When it comes to choosing a theme for the New Year, you can start by thinking about what you want more of. If you’re not sure, consider the following questions about different areas of your life. To really dig deep, rate yourself in each area and decide where you’d like to see growth. Then ask yourself what you want to create in these areas, what you want to see more of, and what you want to see less of.

Family and Friends – Are you happy in your relationships? Are you spending enough time with the people you love? Are you regularly speaking the love languages of those you care about? How would you rate your relationships overall?

Career – Are you on the path to where you want to be? Does your career align with your values? How would you rate your career overall?

Health – Do you wake up each morning energized and ready to go, or do you feel sluggish, tired, and unmotivated? Are you making time to move your body each day and prepare nourishing meals? Have you sought out experts like a doctor or chiropractor for any health issues that you’re experiencing? How would you rate your health overall?

Faith – What kind of energy are you creating in your life and in your relationships? Do you feel at peace with the universe? Do you anticipate good things happening to you and for you? How are you living out the values of your spirituality in your day-to-day life? How would you rate your faith overall?

Wealth – Are you financially stable or are you living paycheck to paycheck? Do you have a monthly budget that makes you feel confident about where your money is going? Do you have a savings plan in place for things like retirement and college? How would you rate your wealth overall?

Achievement – What do you want to achieve? Are there goals on your achievement list that you’ve realized aren’t important or don’t belong there? What are some new achievements you’d like to add to the list? How would you rate your current level of achievements overall?

Fun – What activities do you consider fun? Are you prioritizing them? Are you regularly taking time away for fulfilling activities that energize you? How would you rank your fun experiences overall?

Rank your satisfaction in these areas of your life on a scale of 1 to 10. There’s no right or wrong answer if it feels like a 5 to you, then it is. If an area scores low, ask yourself why and consider what you need to change in your life.

Check back next week to learn how to choose one word to focus on during the New Year.

To choose a theme for the New Year, start by thinking about what you want more of. Consider the following questions about different areas of your life.

Transform your life with one simple word. Find out how when you download your free workbook!

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