9 Content Ideas to End a Dry Spell

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9 Content Ideas to End a Dry Spell

It happens to every blog owner – you’re in a groove, and the content ideas are coming like crazy. But suddenly, the ideas stop flowing. What do you do? When you need new ideas for content on your blog, consider these nine basic starters that will work for any niche:

Make a list of good points – Every niche has some good points that are attractive to your audience and make them feel good. You can write “Seven Awesome Things about XYZ” for just about any subject.

Make a list of bad points – Or twist the good points and write the opposite. If you have a vegan blog, writing a post about “Seven Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Eat Veggies” will surprise your readers when your list includes something satirical, such as “You hate being healthy.”

Ask (and answer) a question – Use questions actually asked directly of you or search for questions on other websites, blogs, forums, or social media networks in your niche.

Make a list of facts – This works well since it’s usually pretty easy to create a list of eight or ten facts about your niche. And you can repeat this as often as you can come up with a list of facts in relation to your niche.

Make a list of misconceptions – There are almost always misconceptions about your niche. For example, if you host a website or blog about bird watching, you can create content that addresses misconceptions about various breeds of birds or misconceptions about equipment used in bird watching.

Give the best advice for common problems – What are some common problems facing your audience? Create content focused on the best solutions and the best advice for using the solutions properly.

Give the worst advice for common problems – Conversely, there are always some solutions that don’t work. Write about the bad ideas and the answers that don’t work, and then turn them around to offer your own solutions after talking about what’s wrong with the other ideas.

Share the top three beginning ideas – In any niche, there is a very basic beginning to consider. You may not think about starting at the very beginning because it seems so elementary to you. But to someone who is new to your niche, it will not seem like minutia; it will seem interesting and important.

Be controversial– Tell why you agree or disagree with a leader in your niche. Or connect your content with current events. For example, if you own a dieting website or blog, you can discuss a celebrity’s weight issues and give advice even though you don’t know him or her.

These content ideas can work for nearly any niche. Try them for yourself. You’ll soon have a plethora of ideas so you can generate content on a regular basis for your website or blog.

It happens to every blog owner – you’re in a groove, and the content ideas are coming like crazy. But suddenly, the ideas stop flowing. What do you do? When you need new ideas for content on your blog, consider these nine basic starters that will work for any niche.

If you need more help, check out my 101 Blog Post Ideas and Prompts.

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